Certified Maryland and Delaware Instruction

Get in touch

TIPS CERTIFIcation for:

Bartenders, Cashiers, Licensee, MANAGERS, Event planners, hostess, security, Delivery personnel & Servers of Alcohol - anyone wanting to enter the hosptitality industry.

* Notifications to ALL Liquor Board Chairman and their commissioners of your success

* Working/communicating directly with YOUR Liquor Inspector and Commissioners

* Traveling to YOUR place of Business to instruct your team

* Three (3) Hour instruction - any time day or evening

* Available to you and your staff for questions or concerns related to the serving industry

On Premise - Restaurants, Lounges, Bars, Taverns, Dock Bars, Event Centers & Hotels

Off Premise - Package/Liquor Stores and Convenience Stores

HOST A CLASS - Arrange training which is convenient for you and your staff. All you provide are tables and chairs!

Instructor: J. Terry Ober

Certified TIPS Trainer #50865

Approved Through the Maryland Comptroller's Office (since February 2009).

Approved Through Delaware Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner.

Instructing over 9,900 Bartenders, Hostess, Cashiers, Managers, Security, Delivery Personnel, Licensee's, Event Planners, Licensee & Servers of Alcohol. Anyone wanting to enter the Hospitality Industry is welcome to attend.

Since February 2009, Terry, serves all local Liquor License Businesses across Maryland's Eastern Shore and Delaware. Anyone is invited to attend that wishes to enter the Alcohol Industry or is currently employed in the Alcohol Industry. Training classes certifies you in Both ON and OFF Premise.

For more information about Alcohol Education training you and your employees:

Email: terryober22@gmail.com


“Every right has it's responsibilities”

Have some questions?

How do I reserve a Seat for training?

Just push the "Reserve" button next to the desired class you will be attending on the "Training Schedule" Page or text/call 443-995-5367

How do I PAY for the training?

Payment is Due Upon Arrival to class. 

Pay by either CASH or CHECK payable to: Terry Ober

How do I receive my Certification Card?

All exams are mailed out to Virginia for processing.  Approximately 6 business days to obtain Exam Results.  The results are emailed to me.  Once I receive your Certification results, I will  email it to you.  Certification is GOOD for Four (4) Years except for D.C. which is three years. BE SURE TO CARRY YOUR CARD AT ALL TIMES while working.

What I do I bring to class?

Other than a Check or Cash for Payment and Eye Glasses, you don't need to bring any additional items to class.

How Does My Venue Host a Training?

Choose a Date and Time that is most convenient for you and your staff.  All you Furnish are Tables and Chairs. TIPS is a three (3) hour instruction. Minimum of Fifteen (15) attendees. A Great way to Highlight your Venue!

Phone: 443-995-5367   Email: terryober22@gmail.com

How Long is the Training Class?
TIPS is a Three (3) Hour Instruction which includes the Written Exam.

Maryland DOES NOT accept ON LINE (eTIPS). Classroom training is required.

In Class Training required by Maryland.

Online Training is not acknowledged by the Maryland Comptroller and the Maryland Comptroller's Office. A

n Premise, Off Premise, and Concessions
ll counties require classroom training for managers. Talbot County requires all employees to be classroom trained. At this time, online training is not recognized by the Comptroller of Maryland.

Attending a Training Class?
TIPS is open to all: Bartenders, Managers, Cashiers, Event Planners, Hostess, Security and Servers of Alcohol. Or anyone that would like to become employed in the Hospitality Industry

Maryland DOES NOT accept ON LINE (eTIPS). Classroom training is required.